How I See It
So, Elon Musk is taking on the ADL. I’m praying he succeeds. It’s not that I’m such a fan of Musk, but I despise the ADL.
Let me remind you: Radix Fidem is not a movement. It’s a community; it’s collegial. In the strictest terms, there’s no leadership. We have a few men who suggest ways to look at things, but rarely advise anyone on what to do or how to live. Any such advice is always personal and private. Our thinking is that, if we can get you on a good track, show you a better way to look at things, the solutions will tend to be rather obvious.
It's not for everyone. I’m not too sure how folks choose to embrace what we are doing. I don’t think I can offer a consistent image from a fleshly level of who is likely to join. We are who we are, and we started off knowing that our community would be tiny. Thus, the bulk of our work is helping people who don’t really feel led to join anything. That’s just fine. It’s not about our little tribe; it’s all about helping people find a better path to serving the Lord. On a human level, what matters are the ideas.
And that’s where this blog stands. I want to suggest ways to look at things. Once in a while I’ll suggest some pragmatic applications only so that you’ll see more clearly how I approach things. The whole point of Radix Fidem is that we each must find our own way. Where you end up is for you and God to decide. Our real work is challenging folks on how they approach the question in the first place.
So, when a reader introduced the works of Dr. Michael S. Heiser, it seemed to fill in a lot of blanks. The concept of God having created a divine council of advisers is right out of Old Testament Hebrew thinking, so it wasn’t hard to swallow. It tasted the same as our steady diet of ancient Hebrew cultural background. After just a short time looking at Heiser’s work, it became clear it mostly supported everything we’ve been saying all along.
On the one hand, we have been tagged as “antisemites”. On the other hand, all that really means is that we don’t treat Jews as sacred. They aren’t a class above the rest of humanity, so they are subject to all the same moral questions as any other historical culture. All the more so since Judaism is a clear departure from the Old Testament Hebrew faith. In other words, the Jewish leadership led their people out of the Hebrew model and made their nation something else entirely, and thus, wide open to the same evaluation as any other race or ethnic identity.
We are hardly surprised that Jews have been harassed and oppressed by human governments through the centuries. Their aggregate behavior has been insufferably spiteful and predatory toward the rest of humanity. There are other nations like that – Kurds, Gypsies, and to some degree, Turks – but none of them have been half the trouble as Jews. I’ve already linked to the works of Kevin MacDonald as the single clearest (if laborious) explanation of Jewish behavior as a people. Take a look at his Culture of Critique series of books; any one of them will make it obvious.
I’ve said there is no point in us joining in human warfare on anyone’s side. There is nothing to gain from organizing to vanquish such truculent nations. That’s because their leadership isn’t human. If there’s anything Heiser has made most clear to us, it’s that there are heavenly beings higher than angels who are in charge of guiding ethnic nations. I’m sure there have been historically a few Jewish humans who were fully aware of the greater agenda of these members of the divine council, but for the most part, the aggregate Jewish behavior is blind, guided from above. Their patron deity is the one we call “the Devil”, the same one who tempted Jesus in the Wilderness.
We are in no position to challenge his power and control of the Jewish nation. The image Heiser paints from Scripture is that the Devil is one of several powerful beings the Bible calls “elohim” whom God appointed as His divine council. For whatever reasons we could not possibly comprehend, the tension between God’s plans and their opposing agenda is not something that will end for us as long as this world remains.
The final answer to this ongoing debate in Heaven is connected to the Return of Christ and the end of all things on the human level. God will be closing up the mortal human situation, and at that time will be the Judgment. That’s when the rowdy opposition in His council will be silenced once and for all.
Meanwhile, we can do nothing to change the world. What is within our reach is to change only ourselves, and even then, all we can really do is want to change. The power to change comes from Jehovah. And to some degree, our submission to His powerful changes in our lives can create an atmosphere that helps others change the same way. That’s it. We have no power to do anything more. So, the situation with our fallen world is immutable for us.
That includes the presence of nations like the Jews as part of the native atmosphere, part of the Curse of the Fall. It requires divine hands to make any difference. We can be individually wary of Jews, and we can certainly discuss and even declare the danger they represent, but there is nothing we can do beyond the very limited boundaries of the covenant dominion our Father grants to us. And that’s really not a very large domain.
And the Nazis? Those are merely Gentiles trying to compete with Jews on Jewish terms. The whole German Nazi movement had been infiltrated by Jews, as it was. Some elements of the Nazi agenda were actually steered by Jewish elites to create a propaganda opportunity; most of what we find so horrifying about Nazi atrocities didn’t reflect the original Nazi agenda. I’ve read the source documents enough to see that clearly. No one has done more harm to the Jewish people at large than their own elite, cynically using them as cannon fodder and to create a propaganda narrative.
Yeah, I went there. If it gets this blog shut down again, at least I’ve told the truth.
Again, we have no use for the human conflict, which is all it is. It’s the wargaming by the elohim council members using humans. Log out of the game. Our duty is to use what little the Lord has placed in our hands to touch just a tiny few with His love and our faith. We don’t promote attacking Jews at all, just telling the truth about them. Our Lord’s Kingdom is not of this world.
This is how I look at things. That whole point is that you stop believing the lies and start walking by faith. Don’t fall for the elohim nonsense. If you start trying to change the human situation, you’ll be a sucker for Jehovah’s opposition.
The human elite are distinguished as being the most faithful servants of idols, the false gods as the elohim portray themselves to their lackeys. Those lackeys are the ones among humans who will pay the highest price at the Throne of Judgment. If we killed them all, the elohim would simply raise up replacements, because they hold the majority of the human race in thrall.
However, none of that prevents our Lord from taking a swipe at the likes of ADL, which is easily the most oppressive and spiteful institution in the US.